Photo Field Trip by Shelly Hazard The photography club went on a photo outing last week to take advantage of the fall foliage. The weather was perfect and the countryside was beautiful. On this trip, they were experimenting with both digital and 35 mm cameras. Part of the field trip was to practice nature and still life techniques. Each photographer picked an animal and a still life subject to photograph. Determine the full name of each photographer, the type of camera they used, and what two subjects each used to take their pictures. 1. Tom, whose last name wasn't Sparks, didn't take pictures of man-made structures or rabbits. Will's last name isn't Lark. The chipmunk was photographed by the man who took pictures of the lighthouse. 2. Bill took pictures of a winged animal. Larry didn't take pictures of a rabbit. 3. The three photographers using digital cameras were the one who took pictures of the church, John, and Mr. Garret. But John, who didn't take pictures of a squirrel, really liked the pictures Mr. Sparks took of the covered bridge. 4. Mr. Adams, who wasn't Bill, used a maple tree for one of his subjects but didn't take pictures of a cardinal. 5. The one who took a picture of the duck and Larry both used 35 mm cameras. 6. Mr. Smith, whose first name wasn't Tom, didn't take pictures of winged animals but he did take pictures of a stream. |